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Imagine an enjoyable evening out dancing, or any other enjoyable outing, not only for fun but it completely defines who you are, and you know after that day (or evening out) you physically won’t be able to walk, or stand, for a couple of days, due to being an amputee – in pain. We easily take the simple things in life for granted, until we experience loss. 

After 10+ years of trying to cope with prosthetics, one tends to forget that there was a time when I lived a full life with 2 normal legs and feet. I even made a career depending on my legs, as a professional Ballroom dancer. Until that dreadful day where a vehicle made an unexpected U-turn Infront of my motorbike. 

It took a split second – and my life was changed. 

What I wouldn’t give to live a normal life (or as closer to a normal life) again. This continuous swelling and shrinking of my stump due to traditional prosthetics, causing bruising, blisters, and pressure sores,can be avoided with an improved prosthetic and operation called osseointegration. 

I won’t have to wait a couple of days after an afternoon of dancing for the swelling to come down before I can walk again.  

I will be able to stand in a shower, which means I will be able to travel to places where they only have showers (which is most places).  

I will be able to easily get up in the morning to make coffee. A simple thing like that, others take for granted.  

My trousers will fit over my leg.  

I will be able to travel longer distances without having to take my pants off.  

I will be able to walk, run, hike, climb, and most importantly dance, without pain.

Today I am asking for any kind of donation. No matter how small. Every little contribution is part of making a life-changing difference. 

All excess funds after the operation will be used towards a campaign in support others in dire need of the osseointegration route.